Friday 3 August 2007

Nemo voted out in poll shocker

It was a tense evening, but once the votes were recounted it became clear that another celebrity marine creature was voted out of the Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park – Nemo the clownfish. (Perhaps his star has waned, or maybe it’s just that folks were fed up of queuing at Disneyland in the heat and wanted to make their point.) The sharks were reportedly disappointed as they’d really got into the idea of a Club Med trip but they were very happy overall that they remained loved by the Hong Kong people.

So now we’re casting about for other ideas to entice them out of Hoi Ha Wan for a little while. Obviously, being celebrity sharks they wouldn’t fall for the old trick of chumming, throwing dead fish, lots of blood etc in the water somewhere nearby; however we are thinking they may be enticed out if we drop a few Anya Hindmarch ‘I’m Not a Plastic Bag’ fashion accessories somewhere near the marine park boundary. Reportedly the sharks had been quietly asked a few weeks ago not to go to Central to pick up their Anya Hindmarch bags they’d pre-ordered because of the risk of frightening other folks in the queue, and they still haven’t received them by post.

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