Tuesday 7 August 2007

Hoi Ha Wan Sharks: are they still scary?

Rumours were swirling around Hoi Ha Wan Marine Park yesterday as the sharks were put on the defensive over their scariness, or lack of it. It seems that some of the denizens of the park aren’t so scared of the sharks anymore. “It’s like, I’m not so scared as I was”, said one marine creature, “I mean like, these sharks, they’re more like Hello Kitty than sharks. And we all know Hello Kitty doesn’t have any teeth.” Some of the tougher sea urchins have taken to taunting the sharks as they swim by, and without even so much as a hint of bravado from the sharks, more urchins are joining in. Tuesday’s letter to the South China Morning Post calling for the Leisure and Cultural service Department to re-instate water sport courses during the school holidays hasn’t helped either as the underwater inhabitants of the marine park realize that the Hong Kong public is getting braver too. “The sharks need to improve their scary image” said one of the park’s image consultants, desperate to get a quote in just before handing out his business card to a couple of worried-looking sharks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is not at all difficult for celebrities, sharks included, to leave a 'scary' impression. All they need to do is to get convicted by an A&FD Court, sentenced to an A&FD prison, set free by an A&FD Official and ultimately imprisioned by A&FD again...but managed to have a successful prisonbreak within 60 minutes!