Tuesday 31 July 2007

a fair deal for the sharks

I had an irate phone call the other day from the HKSPCtC (Hong Kong Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Celebrities). They thought that voting the sharks out of the marine park could be viewed as cruelty to their clients. I asked them who had authorized them to represent the sharks (sharks aren’t known for picking up the phone and anyway the reception is lousy in Hoi Ha Wan). The agent assured me that the HKSPCtC had taken up the case after receiving a call from a certain Mr Spielberger. Anyway, we reached a compromise: we could vote the sharks out of the marine park provided they received tons more media attention, a free holiday (Club Med somewhere) and that they would be allowed to sneak back into Hoi Ha Wan two weeks later to show off their suntans.

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